Bonaventure Class Cruiser

U.S.S. Cochrane Near Pluto (Sol IX)
Image scanned from the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology
The Bonaventure class was the first starship built by the newly comissioned United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA), the successor to NASA, ESA, and the Russian space administration. Designed 6 years after the Valiant class, the Bonaventure took advantage of newer technologies available from the now frequent visits to Earth's new ally, Vulcan. While the Valian used almost all Terestrial materials and technology, the Bonaventure was built using mostly Vulcan technology. As such, this newer cruiser was able to go faster and farther than its predeccessor.
When designing the Bonaventure, the Terrans, who were still reeling a bit over World War III, wanted to emphasize more defenses on the new cruiser. But, the pacifistic Vulcans saw it as more of a vehicle for peaceful exploration, and argued against arming the ship. In the end, though, the Vulcans compromised, seeing the illogic of sending an unarmed ship into unknown territories. Therefor, most models were fitted with two forward firing laser banks which gave the ship minimal protection.
The design of the Bonaventure class was somewhat of a departure from the Valiant class. The forward command section of the Bonaventure had life support and light propulsion of its own so that it could be used as a life boat in emergency situations.
Length: 103 m
Width: 31.9 m
Height: 33.4 m
Mass: 9.8 milliom kg
- Compliment:
- Officers: 5 (Captain, First Mate, Science Officer, Engineer, Navigator)
- Crew: 22
- Propulsion:
- Warp: 2 Stellarjet Warp Drive Nacelles
- Cruise Velocity: Warp 2.5
- Maximum Velocity: Warp 3.5
- Sublight: 3 Geodyne Fusion Packs
- Range:
- Standard: 25 light years
- Maximum: 40 light years
- Typical Duration: 3.8 Years (Sol - Tau Ceti)
- Maximum Duration: 6 years
Weapons: 2 Forward Laser Banks
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