Cygnus Class Patrol Ship
Image and original design by Paul C. Cargile. Used with his permission.

USS Cygnus
The Cygnus class patrol ship was very similar to the Antares class scout ship in both form and function. The main difference was that the sensor and research equipment which the Antares class had was replaced with more weapons and tactical computers on the Cygnus.
The primary function of the Cygnus class to patrol the borders of the Federation. As the Klingons were starting to make more and more bold statements about their intentions, it was made obvious to the admiralty that such a ship was needed. Even once the Constitution class came into production, the Cygnus was still a major frontline patrol ship because of the shear numbers that were still left.
- Dimensions:
- Length: 247.7 meters
- Height: 60.3 meters
- Width: 127.1 meters
- Compliment:
- Officers: 40
- Crew: 265
- Propulsion:
- Warp: 2 matter/antimatter powered 4th generation warp drive nacelles
- Max Warp: 7
- Cruise: 5.5
- Impulse: 2 fusion impulse drives
- Weaponry:
- 8 dual mode laser/particle beam banks w/ 2 emitters per bank (4 fore, 2 starboard, 2 port)
- 2 Foreward missile tubes (Eventually fitted with photon torpedoes)
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