Subspace Links |
These are some links to various sites on the internet devoted to Star Trek in general, and specifically, starships. Where indicated, some of the site authors have directly contributed to the ships on my history page.

- Paul Cargile is one of the contributors to the history page. His designs include many older ship designs which I was desperately searching for in order to fill the gap between the Daedalus class and the Constitution class. He also contributed a few more futuristic ships. In addition to the ships which are featured here, Paul's page has a few ships which are set in an un-Star Trek universe, the designs of which are very similar to the U.S.S. Sulaco from Aliens. It's a very interesting change of pace from all the "saucer-and-cigar" designs of Star Trek.
- Utopia Planitia Fleetyards
- This is one of the most comprehensive sites dedicated to starship designs. They specialize completely in "canon" ships, i.e. only those that have been actually seen in an episode of Star Trek or in the movies. There is also a very ellaborate chatting bulltein board available to ask questions about ships from people all over the world. If you see a new starship on Star Trek, chances are it was analysed to death by the regulars on this board months in advance. In addition, Behaviour hosts a gallery of starship art.
- The Starship Schematic Database
- The Schematic Database is home to just about every starship schematic ever drawn, pulling from such books as Jackill's reference series and the FASA rollplaying books to the Ships of the Starfleet series, in addition to many original designs from various sources accros the world. I've never seen a site like this, and was amazed at the shear volume of schematics. They include not only Federation designs, but also Klingon, Romulan, and just about every other species. Some of these alien sections are still under construction, though, but I am looking forward to seeing them.
- alt.starfleet.rpg Homepage
- Alt.starfleet.rpg is a newsgroup based rollplaying group set forty years after TNG/DS9/VOY. ASR is the home of the U.S.S. Feynman, whose database is one of the main subjects of my web page. They are always looking for new, imaginative crewmen, so go visit their page to find out how to join up.
- Kristen Gant's U.S.S. Feynman Page
- This is the main page for info on the U.S.S. Feynman, maintained by Kristen Gant, who plays the ship's Second Officer, Lieutenant Commander Krysa Jenn. My page was meant as a suppliment to hers, as she has all the contact info in addition to transcripts of our old missions.
- Starship Modelling Artwork
- This is a rather fascinating page dedicated to 3-D graphic models of starships, mostly Star Trek, but also a few Battlestar Galactica ships. The page also has schemtics for each of the ships that are modeled.
- Modeling the Federation
- This site is dedicated to starships modellers. It features pictures and tips on how to build currently available starship kits in addition to "kitbashing" and scratchbuilding starships.
- Star Trek WWW
- Star Trek WWW is the Mother of all Star Trek sites. Basically, it is a huge index of just about any Star Trek site you might want to look at.
- Renegade Treklist
- Another large site dedicated to indexing the thousands of Star Trek web pages on the internet.
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